DocFormer: End-to-End Transformer for Document Understandingt

Inc Lomin's avatar
Oct 29, 2021
DocFormer: End-to-End Transformer for Document Understandingt
소개글 (간략하게 논문이나 논문 주제에 대한 트리비아)



Previous multi-modality models didn't count the nature of visual/language tokens as long as cross-modality feature correlation leading to problem when it is hard to learn correlation between text with associated visual features.
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  • Multi-modal framework fusing: text, visual and spatial features
  • Trained on few unsupervised tasks. New tasks: learning to reconstruct and multi-modal masked language modeling
  • DocFormer is end-to-end trainable
  • DocFormer does not rely on a pre-trained object detection network
  • DocFormer does not use custom OCR unlike some of the recent papers

Proposed Method

Core Idea

DocFormer proposed a new a novel framework for multi-modality training. They call it Discrete Multi-Modal.
While many previous works used only text or text + spatial features, this paper approach suggests to utilize all 3 modalities: text, spatial and visual features.
  • Visual features - ResNet50 w/o transfer learning from object detection task
  • Text features - OCR with subsequent world-piece tokenizer (Wt initialized from LayoutLMv1)
  • Spatial features - for each word encoded embeddings →Wx (x1,x3,w,Ax) + Wy (y1,y3,h,Ay) + Pabs.
    • Separate trainable weights for visual and text spatial embeddings.
Then transformer encoder will be: Fenc(η, V , Vs, T , Ts)
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Pre-training is done using 3 different types of tasks:
  • Multi-Modal Masked Language Modeling (MM-MLM) - a modification MLM → corresponding visual features are not masked
  • Learn To Reconstruct (LTR) - document visual reconstruction from features from all modalities with L1 loss.
  • Text Describes Image (TDI) - teaching network if text description match a document image representation.
Total loss looks like:
Lpt = λ*L_MM_MLM + βA*L_LTR + γ*L_TDI . In this paper λ = 5, β = 1 and γ = 5.
Pre-trained is done for 5 epochs.
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After pre-training all task specific heads are removed and linear projection heads are added and model is fine-tuned for inference/downstream tasks.

Multi-Modal Self Attention

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Experiment results

Two versions of DocFormer:
  • base - 768 hidden states and 12 attention heads
  • large - 1024 hidden states and 16 attention heads

Sequence Labeling Task

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Document Classification Task

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Shared or Independent Spatial embeddings?

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Effect of pretraining

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Deeper Projection Head

fc → ReLU → LayerNorm → fc
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Importance of Different Pre-training Tasks

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Importance of Modalities

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DocFormer from Amazon looks promising in perspective of end-to-end trainable meta-model for OCR related tasks. The only problem is the amount of data needed to adequately pre-trainin model. Also speed performance should be taken into account.
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